Daughter to mom who needed transplant at UI Health: ‘Don’t worry. I got your back’

75910login-checkDaughter to mom who needed transplant at UI Health: ‘Don’t worry. I got your back’

Raquel Ramirez shares her name with her daughter, so it was only fitting that one day her daughter would share a part of herself back with her mom.

When Ramirez got sick in 2021 and needed a liver transplant, her daughter, Raquel Regalado, who goes by Rocky, did not hesitate to be a living donor.

“They basically said, you’re in need of a transplant. We’re going to put you on the waiting list, but somebody can be a living donor,” Ramirez said. “She told me to my face: Don’t worry, Mom. I got your back.” Read the full story in UIC Today.

759100login-checkDaughter to mom who needed transplant at UI Health: ‘Don’t worry. I got your back’

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