How a health crisis caused me to rethink my sense of identity

75740login-checkHow a health crisis caused me to rethink my sense of identity

Getting to the core of who I am was a pivotal moment on my journey

By Lara Govendo

I had an identity crisis when I turned 30. At the time, everything that had previously defined me — my health, my job, my financial independence — had been stripped from me. It felt like the rug had been pulled out from under my feet.

Most 30-year-olds aren’t writing out their final wishes in the event they won’t be able to communicate, but several years ago, I was. As I finished the evaluation for a double-lung transplant, made necessary by complications of cystic fibrosis, I had to rumble with death more than life. While preventing death was the goal, it wasn’t promised. Read more in Cystic Fibrosis News Today.

757400login-checkHow a health crisis caused me to rethink my sense of identity

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