I Would Have Died Without A Transplant. Here’s My Story Documenting The Journey.

75200login-checkI Would Have Died Without A Transplant. Here’s My Story Documenting The Journey.

“I can’t articulate what it was like to lose my mother like that, after being diagnosed with the same disease. I just know the fear of meeting that same fate was something I carried since that hot July day.”

By Alison Conklin

When I was 13 years old, I passed out in the middle of a competitive game of floor hockey in gym class. A trip to the hospital later, I’d been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease that often causes thickening of the heart.

Five months after that diagnosis, my mother and I were in the kitchen together. We’d been chatting as she cooked, but suddenly she said she didn’t feel well. I watched as she collapsed to the floor. Read the full story in the HuffPost.

752000login-checkI Would Have Died Without A Transplant. Here’s My Story Documenting The Journey.

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