Study Reveals Kidney Waitlisting Disparities, Inequitable Access to Transplantation

75030login-checkStudy Reveals Kidney Waitlisting Disparities, Inequitable Access to Transplantation

By Abigail Brooks, MA

Among a cohort of young patients with no major comorbidity burdens, 49% were not waitlisted within 5 years of dialysis initiation.

Findings from a retrospective cohort study are calling attention to disparities in kidney transplant waitlisting based on sex, race, ethnicity, and employment status.

Among more than 50,000 patients aged ≤40 years with no major medical comorbidities, nearly half were not waitlisted for a kidney transplant within 5 years of dialysis initiation, with female sex, Black race, Hispanic ethnicity, and unemployment showing the greatest association with decreased waitlisting.1 Read more in HCP Live.

750300login-checkStudy Reveals Kidney Waitlisting Disparities, Inequitable Access to Transplantation

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