Women with ESKD less likely to be referred for transplantation vs. men

73450login-checkWomen with ESKD less likely to be referred for transplantation vs. men

By Shawn M. Carter

Women with ESKD are more likely than men to face kidney transplant-related disparities, according to a recently published study conducted in the southeast U.S.

“Reasons for this disparity have not been delineated, though some evidence … include greater provider perceptions of frailty regarding female candidates, higher levels of obesity, higher psychosocial and health-related concerns and a lack of provider awareness of sex/gender-related disparities,” Jessica L. Harding, PhD, an epidemiologist at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, and colleagues wrote. Read the complete article in Healio.

734510login-checkWomen with ESKD less likely to be referred for transplantation vs. men

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