I’m slowly learning to share my life with cystic fibrosis and transplant

72160login-checkI’m slowly learning to share my life with cystic fibrosis and transplant

After struggling with writer’s block, a columnist looks within

By Jennifer Bleecher

My mother was recently cleaning out her attic, trying out the minimalist technique she’d seen on a Netflix show. In the process of deciding which items still bring her joy, she gathered a bag full of my school papers from childhood. Forty years later, she still couldn’t bring herself to throw them away. Instead, she delivered them to my house.

As I looked through the papers, it struck me how many short stories and poems were in the pile. And this was only a small sampling of my work, as no mother can keep every creation made by their child. It reminded me that I have always loved to write. Read the full story in Cystic Fibrosis News Today.

721610login-checkI’m slowly learning to share my life with cystic fibrosis and transplant

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