VCU Health surgeons launch robotic living liver procurement

71820login-checkVCU Health surgeons launch robotic living liver procurement

Innovative surgical procedure expected to expand pool of eligible living donors

Surgeons at VCU Health Hume-Lee Transplant Center are using an innovative, less-invasive robotic liver procurement procedure to expand the pool of eligible living liver donors. As the number of people registered and waiting for a liver nears 11,000, this represents a critical breakthrough in matching patients needing an organ transplant with healthy livers.

Hume-Lee Transplant Center is the nation’s only center actively offering robotic hepatectomies – the surgical removal of portions of living donors’ livers – after becoming the third U.S. center to successfully perform this innovative surgery. Read the complete article from VCU Health.

718210login-checkVCU Health surgeons launch robotic living liver procurement

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