A Million Lives Saved and Counting

71210login-checkA Million Lives Saved and Counting

For each organ transplanted in the U.S., Richmond’s UNOS makes it possible.

By Caroline Kettlewell

Heather James spent much of her young life fighting to breathe. Born with cystic fibrosis, she was losing that fight by the time she’d reached 19. In November of that year, with her lung function at barely 15 percent, her doctors “didn’t think I was going to make it to the New Year,” she recalls.

Then a stranger saved her life. Heather would never meet the woman who gave her a new pair of lungs, a liver, and a second chance at life. It was a gift that Heather, now 29, honors every day. Read the full story in
Virginia Living.

712110login-checkA Million Lives Saved and Counting

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