Girl receives heart of 4-year-old-boy in first transplant of its kind in Ukraine

70050login-checkGirl receives heart of 4-year-old-boy in first transplant of its kind in Ukraine

By Radina Gigova and Svitlana Vlasova, CNN

Amid the raging war and constant threat of Russian missiles, a successful heart transplant has been performed on a 6-year-old girl in Kyiv, authorities with the Heart Institute of Ukraine’s Ministry of Health announced on Monday.

The three-hour operation, which took place on Sunday evening, gave the girl the heart of a 4-year-old boy, whom doctors had declared brain dead after suffering an aneurysm. Read the full story on CNN.

700510login-checkGirl receives heart of 4-year-old-boy in first transplant of its kind in Ukraine

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