Farewell, my kidney: Why the body may reject a lifesaving organ

67740login-checkFarewell, my kidney: Why the body may reject a lifesaving organ

By Gabriel Spitzer, Emily Kwong, Rebecca Ramirez, Liz Metzger

In February 2021, pandemic restrictions were just starting to ease in Hawaii, and Leila Mirhaydari was finally able to see her kidney doctor. This was a huge relief after being unable to get in-person health care for so long. But Leila was also anxious: Transplanted organs need diligent care, and Leila had been looking after her donated kidney all on her own for a year. So a lot was riding on that first batch of lab results. Read or listen the to the full story on NPR.

677410login-checkFarewell, my kidney: Why the body may reject a lifesaving organ

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