Unpacking the emotional layers of transplant: guilt, gratitude, and grief

66030login-checkUnpacking the emotional layers of transplant: guilt, gratitude, and grief

The most complicated relationship you’ll have with a person you’ll never meet

By Christie Patient
This week, while my husband, Jonny, and I sat at home in isolation after our tests for COVID-19 were positive, I struggled to feel joy. My friend sent me a video of someone singing a popular emo anthem while holding a wet strawberry — its soggy leaves pasted to its bright red skin in a way that resembled the hairstyles of many of my millennial peers circa 2004. I have never related more to a piece of fruit.

The angst expressed in emo music — an emotional genre that came after hardcore punk and was the soundtrack for my pubescent years — still lives within me. And there’s nothing like being stuck at home with an infectious disease to bring angst to the surface. Read the full story in Pulmonary Fibrosis News.

660320login-checkUnpacking the emotional layers of transplant: guilt, gratitude, and grief

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