Balanced Crystalloid Fluids Surpass Saline for Kidney Transplant

57910login-checkBalanced Crystalloid Fluids Surpass Saline for Kidney Transplant

ORLANDO, Florida — Using a low-chloride, balanced crystalloid solution for all intravenous (IV) fluids received by patients who received a deceased donor kidney transplant resulted in significantly fewer episodes of delayed graft function compared with patients who received saline as their IV fluids, in a new multicenter trial with 807 randomized and evaluable patients called BEST-Fluids.

“The findings suggest that balanced crystalloids should be the standard-of-care IV fluid in deceased donor kidney transplantations,” said Michael G. Collins, MBChB, PhD, at Kidney Week 2022, organized by the American Society of Nephrology. Read the full story in Medscape here.

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