How I Adjusted to Dietary Changes After Lung Transplant

56600login-checkHow I Adjusted to Dietary Changes After Lung Transplant

Many resources are available to help you learn post-transplant dietary restrictions

by Samuel Kirton

Those who follow my column know that one of my passions is cooking. It always has been. My wife, Susan, and I usually eat meals I prepare using little to no prepackaged ingredients. Dinner usually included wine for me.

But what I can eat and drink changed on July 10, 2021, the day I received my bilateral lung transplant.

It was not a surprise

When I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in January 2017, we entered a world that was new to us. We wanted to better understand this disease, so we sought to learn as much as possible. My care team at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax County, Virginia, was an essential part of our pursuit of knowledge. Read more in Pulmonary Fibrosis News.

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