Kidney Transplant Provides Greater Benefit Than Long-Term Dialysis for Patients With Kidney Failure

56060login-checkKidney Transplant Provides Greater Benefit Than Long-Term Dialysis for Patients With Kidney Failure

Although survival benefits for patients who received a kidney transplant varied, the benefits of kidney transplants were greater for all patients when compared with long-term dialysis.

All patients who are eligible for a kidney transplant should be able to participate in a transplant program because receiving a kidney transplant was demonstrated to be associated with increased survival compared to long-term dialysis, according to the authors of a recent study published in JAMA Network Open. The study is considered a pioneer in quantifying survival benefit through the use of restricted mean survival time (RMST). Read the full story in Pharmacy Times.

560610login-checkKidney Transplant Provides Greater Benefit Than Long-Term Dialysis for Patients With Kidney Failure

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