Two-year monitoring report for liver, intestine policy shows success in key aspects

52810login-checkTwo-year monitoring report for liver, intestine policy shows success in key aspects

A data report is available detailing the first two years of liver and intestinal organ allocation policy based on acuity circles. The policy was projected to increase equity and provide more consistent transplant access for the most urgent transplant candidates. Continuing trends as documented in previous monitoring reports, the findings in this two-year report support a number of key modeling predictions and demonstrate an improvement compared with the previous policy in many important areas.

Overall, deceased donor liver transplants under the new policy increased by 4.3 percent, or 632 procedures, compared to the pre-policy era. Read more from the Organ Transplant and Procurement Network (OPTN).

528100login-checkTwo-year monitoring report for liver, intestine policy shows success in key aspects

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