New kidney transplant approach could eliminate need for lifelong immune drugs

49450login-checkNew kidney transplant approach could eliminate need for lifelong immune drugs

“These kidneys are going to last forever,” one researcher said.

Three children who have undergone kidney transplants in California will likely be spared from ever having to take anti-rejection medication, because of an innovative technique that eliminates the need for lifelong immunosuppression, ground-breaking new research suggests.

Scientists at Stanford Medicine detailed the cases Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. All three children have an extremely rare genetic disease called Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia, or SIOD, that often destroys a person’s ability to fight off infection and leads to kidney failure. In each case, a parent donated stem cells taken from bone marrow, as well as a kidney. Read the full story from NBC News.

494520login-checkNew kidney transplant approach could eliminate need for lifelong immune drugs

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