Walking For Kidney Transplants

48490login-checkWalking For Kidney Transplants

I have often been asked why I take such long walks. I was in my transplant doctor’s office a few months back. He gave me that look. You know the look. Like that look your Dad used too give you before the stern lecture was coming. The serious discussion lecture. He told me I was not getting enough exercise, and I should try to get out more. He suggested walking. I’ve never been an athlete. I have avoided exercise in the past. I’ve always been an academic. I hated gym class. But I knew he was right. I spend a lot of time on my computer or phone. I’m known for my dedication (some have called it an addiction) to social media. As the proud recipient of AAKP’s inaugural National Social Media Education & Advocacy Award and as developer of 60 Kidney Pages and 50 Kidney Group pages, as well as nine electronic newspapers and 10+ blog sites, I knew my time online wasn’t going to slow down – but  I also knew I had to get out and move more. But in my mind, it had to mean something more than just exercise for me to commit to long-term.
Read the full article from the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP).

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