How Common is Cancer in Organ Transplant Recipients?

43520login-checkHow Common is Cancer in Organ Transplant Recipients?

As an organ transplant recipient, you already “know” several things:

-You know what the anxiety and stress of end-stage organ disease feels like
-You know that your life has been improved after receiving your transplant
-You know that by taking care of your transplant, you can reduce the risk of rejection of the organ

Did you also know that the important immunosuppressants (anti-rejection medications) you take to prevent your body from rejecting your transplanted kidney, heart, lung, or liver may increase your risk of developing certain types of
cancer?1 Read the full story on here.

435230login-checkHow Common is Cancer in Organ Transplant Recipients?

3 Replies to “How Common is Cancer in Organ Transplant Recipients?”

  1. Great news finally there is research about side effects and development risks for them Post Transplant!
    A wonderful article EVERYONE MUST READ.
    I keep a log of Side Effects Watch and Discontinued Meds. I showed it to a CareDx employee as a model, and hope it was at least partially a help in getting data openly reported.

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