Racial Gap in Kidney Failure Therapy Widest in Youngest Age Group

40840login-checkRacial Gap in Kidney Failure Therapy Widest in Youngest Age Group

Racial and ethnic disparities in kidney transplantation and home dialysis use among adults with incident kidney failure are most pronounced among those in the youngest age group, according to a recent study.

Among patients aged 22 to 44 years, Black and Hispanic patients were 79% and 53% less likely to undergo kidney transplantation, respectively, 55% and 66% less likely to perform home hemodialysis (HHD), and 35% and 23% less likely to perform peritoneal dialysis (PD) compared with White patients in adjusted analyses, Adam S. Wilk, PhD, of the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and colleagues reported in theĀ American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Read more.

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