EHR ‘Nudge’ Linked to Fewer C. Diff Tests for Organ Transplant Recipients

39781login-checkEHR ‘Nudge’ Linked to Fewer C. Diff Tests for Organ Transplant Recipients

An antibiotic stewardship program led to fewer Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) tests ordered for solid organ transplant recipients without impacting the negative test rate, a retrospective study found.

Compared with a pre-intervention period, C. diff toxin test orders dropped 47% after a diagnostic stewardship program was enacted (median 18 vs 8.5 processed orders per quarter, respectively, P=0.038), reported Michael Kueht, MD, of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, and colleagues, writing in Transplantation Proceedings.
Read the full story here.

397801login-checkEHR ‘Nudge’ Linked to Fewer C. Diff Tests for Organ Transplant Recipients

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