A Twist on Stem Cell Transplants Could Help Blood Cancer Patients

38340login-checkA Twist on Stem Cell Transplants Could Help Blood Cancer Patients

CATHY DOYLE FELT fine. And in April 2016, when she logged in to a web portal to check the results of some routine blood work, the little numbers on the screen agreed—mostly. But her white blood cell count looked low. She called the doctor’s office. “What’s going on?” the chatty, spiritual 58-year-old from Pittsburgh remembers saying.

The staff asked if she’d recently been sick. She had. Doyle caught a bad cough on a family cruise, but it had passed. That might be it, they agreed, but it would be best to come in for more blood tests. “Bless the doctor,” Doyle says. “He just kept hoping it wouldn’t be leukemia.” Read more here.

383400login-checkA Twist on Stem Cell Transplants Could Help Blood Cancer Patients

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