Call in the T-Cell Cavalry to Fight COVID in the Immunocompromised

33960login-checkCall in the T-Cell Cavalry to Fight COVID in the Immunocompromised

“Last year was one of collective confinement. The majority of us shuttered our doors to visitors, worked from home, and ventured out sparingly in hopes of evading the grasp of COVID-19. Now in 2021, thanks to vaccination rollout, those who have been vaccinated are hopefully on the path to normalcy. But not everyone is so fortunate. For some, 2021 will bring more isolation and loneliness than ever before, which is hard to imagine. I’m talking about immunocompromised adults and children. While much of the rest of the populace clinks glasses, hugs loved ones, and joins parties, immunocompromised individuals do not have the security of an effective vaccine, and for their health and safety will maintain their distance and watch the social revelry from the sidelines.”

Read more, here.

339600login-checkCall in the T-Cell Cavalry to Fight COVID in the Immunocompromised

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