How Surgeons Used a Double-Lung Transplant and a Pair of Breast Implants to Save a Young Man’s Life

78940login-checkHow Surgeons Used a Double-Lung Transplant and a Pair of Breast Implants to Save a Young Man’s Life

By F. Perry Wilson, MD, MSCE

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

F. Perry Wilson, MD: Hello. I am Dr F. Perry Wilson. I’m an associate professor of medicine and public health at the Yale School of Medicine. I am joined today by two amazing physicians, Dr Rade Tomic, who is a professor of medicine, pulmonology, and critical care and medical director of the Lung Transplant Program at Northwestern Medicine. 
Read more in Medscape.

789400login-checkHow Surgeons Used a Double-Lung Transplant and a Pair of Breast Implants to Save a Young Man’s Life

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