New Antiviral Option for CMV Prophylaxis After Kidney Transplant

69150login-checkNew Antiviral Option for CMV Prophylaxis After Kidney Transplant

— Letermovir proved noninferior to standard of care in clinical trial

By Jeff Minerd

Letermovir (Prevymis) proved noninferior to valganciclovir (Valcyte), the standard of care, in a clinical trial of cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis in high-risk kidney transplant patients, researchers reported.

In a phase III trialopens in a new tab or window of 589 patients randomized 1:1 to receive either drug for up to 200 days post-transplant, the prevalence of CMV disease at 1 year was not significantly different in the letermovir group versus the valganciclovir group (10.4% vs 11.8%, adjusted difference -1.4%, 95% CI -6.5% to 3.8%), reported Ajit Limaye, MD, of the University of Washington Medicine in Seattle, and colleagues.
Read the full article in MedPage Today.

691520login-checkNew Antiviral Option for CMV Prophylaxis After Kidney Transplant

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