Living kidney donors rely on a promise to protect our future health. We’re scared it will go away

64600login-checkLiving kidney donors rely on a promise to protect our future health. We’re scared it will go away

By Martha Gershun

Five years ago, I donated my “spare” kidney at the Mayo Clinic to a woman I read about in the newspaper. Though living with only one kidney has risks, I was not particularly concerned about my own health. The clinic’s medical evaluation was extremely thorough, and I knew their highly conscientious selection committee would not approve me to be a living donor if they were even the slightest bit concerned the procedure would cause me long-term health problems. Furthermore, I was assured at every step of the process that if my remaining kidney should fail or be damaged, I would “go to the top of the transplant waiting list.” Read the full story in STAT.

646040login-checkLiving kidney donors rely on a promise to protect our future health. We’re scared it will go away

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