Chicago 6th grader gets kidney donation from woman who works at his school

24030login-checkChicago 6th grader gets kidney donation from woman who works at his school

“He had one kidney removed, but when the tumor kept coming back over the years, radiation treatments damaged his other kidney.

“It was pretty tough. I didn’t feel well,” he said. “I’d mostly go home and sit around.”

Ward Sexton said he and his wife Robyn set their sights on getting their son a new kidney and tried to find a donor.

“Robyn isn’t a blood match, I was ruled out, so we said, ‘We’ll ask friends,'” he said.

Last year, they wrote a letter asking those who may be interested to get a blood test to see if they were a match for Gavin. The email was forwarded and landed in the inbox of Ann Chiumino, who works in administration at Sacred Heart Academy, where Gavin is a student. The two did not know each other, but Chiumino said she felt the need to answer the call.”

Read the full story, here.

240300login-checkChicago 6th grader gets kidney donation from woman who works at his school

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