For 2 Ga. Couples, a Transplant Created an Unbreakable Bond: ‘We’re the Kidney Warrior Family’


“Tia Wimbush and Susan Ellis were coworkers for years at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and while friendly to each other at work, they rarely interacted in the large IT department. But in March, the two became bonded for life when Tia donated her kidney to Susan’s husband Lance, and Susan donated her kidney to Tia’s husband Rodney.   

It all began with a chance encounter in the company restroom, and an introduction through another woman at work who knew that Tia’s husband Rodney had experienced sudden kidney failure in 2019 and that Susan’s husband Lance, who had long battled the disease, was in the same situation. Soon, they began to share what Ellis calls “a connection of sisterhood” after learning both their husbands had end-stage kidney disease and were on dialysis.”

Read full story, here.


President of TRIO Discusses Transplantation Experience in Time of COVID-19


“Jim Gleason, National President of Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO), discusses what organ transplant patients are experiencing during the pandemic, and some tips they ought to consider to help ease some of the burden.

Mr. Gleason also discusses his role in the development of the recently released AlloCare app is in the AppStore, to help post-transplant recipients navigate their day-to-day health.”

Read the full interview here.
