Howard University Surgeon Clive Callender Heralded for Minority Organ Transplantation Achievements


“Legendary Howard University transplant surgeon Dr. Clive O. Callender has been honored by the 2021 American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) with its Pioneer Award, the most distinguished award bestowed by the organization upon an individual. The award comes as National Minority Donor Awareness Month is observed in the month of August. 

In a video message announcing the award, ASTS past president Dr. Marwan Abouljoud said that when he started his career 28 years ago in Detroit, all of his learnings and readings on transplant awareness and organ donation kept leading him back to the works of one individual.”

Watch the video and read more, here.


A Woman With Down Syndrome Has Fought For Organ Transplant Anti-Discrimination Legislation For Years; Now, It’s Been Proposed, And Named After Her


“When Charlotte Woodward was 22-years-old, her doctors told her she needed a heart transplant. 

Woodward, who has Down syndrome, was born with an atrioventricular heart defect that includes a hole in the wall between the heart’s chambers and flaws in its valves. It is common for babies with Down syndrome to be born with a heart condition; according to the National Down Syndrome Society, approximately half of all infants born with Down syndrome have a heart defect.”

Read the full story, here.
