COVID-19 Nurse Donates Kidney to Boy in Need


“It’s definitely part of my calling, helping people,” she said. “Even just reading his story and seeing his picture on the Facebook page, he was the cutest thing ever.” Pikkarainen, a traveling nurse from Minnesota, was working with COVID-19 patients in New Jersey when she heard about Bodie. “I filled out the paperwork right then and there,” she recalled.

Read the full article here.


How to Make The Best Organ Donation and Transplant System in the World Even Better


“Organ transplantation works for people who have end-stage organ failure. In almost all cases, it works better for people with kidney, liver, and lung failure than any other treatment available. People come to the organ donation waiting list because they know an organ transplant is a gift of life. That means that as good as our system is, it needs to be even better to be able to serve the more than 100,000 people waiting for organs at any given time.”

Read the full blog post from UNOS here.
