He wanted to donate a kidney to help Jacksonville man. Instead, it saved his own life.


Though he couldn’t donate his own kidney, Pat O’Shaughnessy of Illinois is determined to still help a young Jacksonville man get the transplant he needs.

By Matt Soergel

Pat O’Shaughnessy calls it his mission — his determination to donate one of his 64-year-old kidneys to a 31-year-old man with so much to look forward to.

He failed in that mission, he believes, and his voice breaks as he admits that.

But in that failure, he probably saved his own life. So he’ll be around to continue the mission, he says, and he vows to stick with it until it succeeds. Read the article in the Jacksonville Florida Times-Union.


Friends shorten kidney patients’ long waits for transplants to mere months by donating organs


Good news story: Two organ transplant patients reveal how others stepped up for them

By Amy McGorry
As many as nine in 10 adults with chronic kidney disease do not know they have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s an important fact to know during March — National Kidney Month — and all throughout the year.

By the time kidney disease is detected, it is usually in the advanced stages — which means a patient may need dialysis several times a week. Read and watch the story on Fox News.
