Husband Donates Kidney So His Wife Can Receive One


When a local TV weatherman did a live broadcast from Hanley Elementary 25 years ago, he met a teacher who stole his heart.

On Tuesday, Nov.23, 20 years after they were married, he also gave her his kidney.

“I believe God brought us together for this moment in time,” Chip Washington, 64, said as he and his wife, Wanda, 62, prepared for their surgeries. Read the full story in The Institute here.


She gave her kidney to a high school acquaintance — and it changed his life


John “JT” Thomas was a healthy 20-year-old in 2011. But at that year’s family Thanksgiving gathering, he found that he couldn’t even finish his first plate of food. His appetite was gone — and he was increasingly lightheaded.

His physicians had a chilling response to his symptoms, one that he recalls even today: “You shouldn’t be able to walk right now.” Read the full story here.


How Will My Life Change After Donating a Kidney?


If you are considering becoming a living kidney donor, you may have questions such as:

Will I be able to live a normal life after donating a kidney?

Will donating a kidney affect my athletic performance?

Will I need to change my diet or lifestyle after donating a kidney?

Is there anything I won’t be able to do after donating a kidney?

Thousands of people donate a kidney to someone in need every year, and their experiences have given us valuable information about the kidney donation recovery process and what life is like after you donate a kidney. Read more.
