Influence of organ quality on the observed association between deceased donor kidney procurement biopsy findings and graft survival


Deceased donor kidney procurement biopsies findings are the most common reason for kidney discard. Retrospective studies have found inconsistent associations with post-transplant outcomes but may have been limited by selection bias because kidneys with advanced nephrosclerosis from high-risk donors are typically discarded.
Read the full abstract from Wiley Online Library.


Patients without HCV can take transplants from donors with HCV without risking graft survival


Transplanting kidneys from donors who have the hepatitis C virus into patients who are HCV-negative is not associated with increased risk for early graft failure, according to a presentation at the American Transplant Congress.

“With the excellent outcomes of the new therapy of hepatitis in the last few years, we intend to examine the kidney transplant outcomes using kidneys from donors with hepatitis C,” Tarek Alhamad, MD, MS, the medical director of kidney transplantation at Washington University, told Healio. Read more in Healio.
