How Surgeons Used a Double-Lung Transplant and a Pair of Breast Implants to Save a Young Man’s Life


By F. Perry Wilson, MD, MSCE

This transcript has been edited for clarity.

F. Perry Wilson, MD: Hello. I am Dr F. Perry Wilson. I’m an associate professor of medicine and public health at the Yale School of Medicine. I am joined today by two amazing physicians, Dr Rade Tomic, who is a professor of medicine, pulmonology, and critical care and medical director of the Lung Transplant Program at Northwestern Medicine. 
Read more in Medscape.


Minnesota firefighter returns home after double lung transplant: “There’s just no words”


By Jennifer Mayerle

BEMIDJI, Minn. —  A retired firefighter WCCO first met back in May is now home for the holidays. Walt Lindahl and his wife Amy have spent the past eight months in Rochester as Walt dealt with severe lung disease.

Four months ago, he underwent a double lung transplant. Walt and Amy went back home in Bemidji recently with a new appreciation for the little things in life. Read the article in WCCO CBS News Minnesota.


How a health crisis caused me to rethink my sense of identity


Getting to the core of who I am was a pivotal moment on my journey

By Lara Govendo

I had an identity crisis when I turned 30. At the time, everything that had previously defined me — my health, my job, my financial independence — had been stripped from me. It felt like the rug had been pulled out from under my feet.

Most 30-year-olds aren’t writing out their final wishes in the event they won’t be able to communicate, but several years ago, I was. As I finished the evaluation for a double-lung transplant, made necessary by complications of cystic fibrosis, I had to rumble with death more than life. While preventing death was the goal, it wasn’t promised. Read more in Cystic Fibrosis News Today.


I’m slowly learning to share my life with cystic fibrosis and transplant


After struggling with writer’s block, a columnist looks within

By Jennifer Bleecher

My mother was recently cleaning out her attic, trying out the minimalist technique she’d seen on a Netflix show. In the process of deciding which items still bring her joy, she gathered a bag full of my school papers from childhood. Forty years later, she still couldn’t bring herself to throw them away. Instead, she delivered them to my house.

As I looked through the papers, it struck me how many short stories and poems were in the pile. And this was only a small sampling of my work, as no mother can keep every creation made by their child. It reminded me that I have always loved to write. Read the full story in Cystic Fibrosis News Today.


How a double-lung transplant affected my body and self-image


Accepting the scars and a new physique wasn’t easy

By Lara Govendo

After I had a double-lung transplant six years ago due to cystic fibrosis (CF), it was hard to look at myself in the mirror.

I would stare at my stapled chest, and feelings of disbelief and grief would bubble to the surface like never before. Thoughts raced through my mind: What will people say when they see my scars and disfigured chest? How will I ever feel comfortable in my own body again?
Read the complete article in Cystic Fibrosis News Today.


A Firefighter’s Life-Saving Double Lung Transplant


By Alina Kesl

Albert Pedroza was energetic and active, but one day on a hike with his son, he experienced difficulty breathing. Fighting the inner voice in his head that told him to brush it off, he could think only of his family as he scheduled a doctor’s appointment to get checked out.

When Pedroza was told that he had scarring on his lungs likely caused by a previous case of pneumonia or asbestos exposure, he accepted the fact that he would experience periodic breathing difficulties. Read the full story from University Health.
