Groundbreaking double lung transplant gives patients hope of becoming cancer-free


Reporter: Amy Oshier Writer: Nicholas Karsen

Lung cancer tops the list of cancer-related deaths in the United States, surpassing colon, breast and prostate cancer deaths combined.

For patients who have been diagnosed late, survival is slim. Now, a new groundbreaking double lung transplant is giving patients hope of becoming cancer-free. Read the article in WINK.


Local veteran uses second chance at life to bless others through bike donations


By Sydni Eure

TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WKBW) — So you’re driving through Tonawanda and see a house with a few bikes out front and don’t think twice. That is until you then see some more bikes spread across the front yard. It isn’t until you you take a closer look and see that each bike is labeled with a number that you realize this isn’t something you see every day.

Well, Wendy Coyde, the woman who lined them up and labeled each and everyone says the process was as tedious as it looked.
Watch the full story from WKBW TV.
