Cleveland Clinic Researchers Develop New Model for Prioritizing Lung Transplant Candidates


Study shows new approach could more accurately reflect which patients urgently need a transplant and reduce deaths

A team from Cleveland Clinic has developed a new model for prioritizing patients waiting for a lung transplant, aimed at improving outcomes and reducing deaths among those in need of donor lungs. The new method offers an improved strategy for organ allocation by taking into account how the time a patient has spent on the waiting list could impact the severity of their disease and the urgency of their need for a transplant.

The results of a study looking at this new method were published today in The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Read more from the Cleveland Clinic.


Cleveland Clinic surpassed 1,000 organ transplant milestone in 2022


The Cleveland Clinic reached an institutional milestone in 2022, with 1,050 heart, kidney, liver, intestine and lung transplants, surpassing its previous record high set in 2021, according to a press release.

“We want to thank organ donors and their families who make the gift of life possible,” Charles Miller, MD, enterprise director of transplantation at Cleveland Clinic, said in the release. Read the full story in Healio.


Cleveland Clinic performs its first HIV-positive to HIV-positive kidney transplant case


A review of 23 studies found that evidence of kidney disease prior to a liver transplant is the strongest predictor kidney disease afterward.

Since the first liver transplant was performed at the University of Colorado 60 years ago, the procedure has evolved into life-saving surgery for countless patients with end-stage liver disease around the world. In the U.S., there are just over 9,200 liver transplants performed in 2021. Read more in Urology Times.


11 Kidney Transplant Recovery Tips


Rest, hydration, protein and light exercise all play an important role in your healing

Getting a kidney transplant gives you a new lease on life. A successful transplant gives you increased strength, stamina and energy — but while you’re recovering from surgery, you may not quite feel that way yet.

If you’re about to undergo kidney transplant surgery, here’s what you need to know about recovery. Read more from the Cleveland Clinic.
