How a drone saved this Canadian patient’slife, who was waiting for a lung transplant


It took less than 10 minutes for a drone to make an emergency 1.2 kilometer trip to deliver a set of lungs needed for a life-saving transplant.

This world-first took place at the end of September, in Toronto, Canada, AFP reported.

The drone flew over the skies of the Canadian metropolis in the middle of the night, taking off from the UHN’s Toronto Western Hospital and landing on the roof of the General Hospital.

The operation was made possible due to a refrigerated container in light carbon fibre which maintains the thermal parameters of the organ so that it is viable for transplantation.

Read full story here.


Three Drugs Better Than Two (or One) in Cystic Fibrosis


“A three-drug combination for a certain form of cystic fibrosis (CF) not addressed with other therapies met its efficacy and safety endpoints in a phase III trial, researchers said.

Elexacaftor, tezacaftor, and ivacaftor (Trikafta) together improved forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and lowered chloride levels in sweat in CF patients with Phe508del-gating or Phe508del-residual function genotypes, relative to a control regimen of ivacaftor either alone (Kalydeco) or with tezacaftor (Symdeko), reported Peter J. Barry, MD, of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust in England, and colleagues in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Read more, here.
