AHA: Investments, improvements in research critical for equity in women’s heart health


Clinicians and researchers must address pervasive gaps in knowledge and care delivery to reduce sex-based disparities and achieve equity in cardiology care, according to a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association.

In the advisory, the AHA presents a “roadmap” to implementing a vision for equity for women and their CV health. The statement focuses on epidemiology and prevention, awareness, access and delivery of equitable health care and providing a call to action across multiple disciplines. Read the full story in Healio.


Regular exercise yields greater CV benefit in adults with anxiety, depression


WASHINGTON — For adults with anxiety or depression, regular exercise had nearly double the CV benefit compared with those without these diagnoses, researchers reported at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session.

“Our findings are not meant to suggest that exercise is only good or has CV benefit in those with [anxiety and/or depression], but it does suggest that people with stress-related conditions tend to derive a greater benefit,” Hadil Zureigat, MD, postdoctoral clinical research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, said during an ACC press conference. “It also emphasizes stress-related neural pathways in explaining part of the CV benefit of exercise.” Read the full story in Healio.
