U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Partners with Top Kidney Advocates


AAKP and Veterans Health Administration Align  to Improve Veteran Lives

By American Association of Kidney Patients

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest and oldest independent kidney patient organization in the nation, announced their new partnership with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The formal collaboration aims to improve health outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life for Veterans with kidney diseases and is facilitated under the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) National Center for Healthcare Advancement and Partnerships (HAP).  AAKP has extensive Veteran and Veteran family representation among its Board of Directors, National Patient Ambassadors, and grassroots membership.

AAKP is a strong advocate for greater patient care choice, patient-centered medicine, and accelerated innovations in kidney disease prevention, diagnostics, and treatments – including expanded access to kidney transplantation and new artificial implantable and wearable organs. Read the complete press release from AAKP.


47th Annual AAKP 2022 National Patient Meeting


September 21, 2022 @ 8:00 am September 23, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

Each year, AAKP hosts a timely and interactive virtual meeting featuring a diverse line-up of speakers crossing all sectors of the kidney community including the top influencers in kidney care from Federal government, medical professionals, academia, private industry and non-profit professional organizations in the kidney community; along with a virtual exhibit hall which will allow participates to engage with various kidney-related companies/organizations.

All 2022 AAKP events will be held virtually to ensure the safety of all participants.



AAKP 5th Annual Policy Summit


June 30, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

The 5th Annual Policy Summit will continue to bring together key influencers from across all sectors of the policy spectrum: patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, industry, and the federal government. The focus for 2022 will be to highlight innovation in kidney biologics and diagnostics and devices, as well as examine the expanding impact of kidney disease in America and the accelerating need for policies that honor full consumer choice in treatment and smarter policies to better align both regulatory and payment decisions.

All 2022 AAKP events will be held virtually to ensure the safety of all participants.


Walking For Kidney Transplants

Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

I have often been asked why I take such long walks. I was in my transplant doctor’s office a few months back. He gave me that look. You know the look. Like that look your Dad used too give you before the stern lecture was coming. The serious discussion lecture. He told me I was not getting enough exercise, and I should try to get out more. He suggested walking. I’ve never been an athlete. I have avoided exercise in the past. I’ve always been an academic. I hated gym class. But I knew he was right. I spend a lot of time on my computer or phone. I’m known for my dedication (some have called it an addiction) to social media. As the proud recipient of AAKP’s inaugural National Social Media Education & Advocacy Award and as developer of 60 Kidney Pages and 50 Kidney Group pages, as well as nine electronic newspapers and 10+ blog sites, I knew my time online wasn’t going to slow down – but  I also knew I had to get out and move more. But in my mind, it had to mean something more than just exercise for me to commit to long-term.
Read the full article from the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP).


Kidney Patients Expand Impact as Kidney Voters™ in 2020


“The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the oldest and largest independent kidney patient organization in the nation, today thanked kidney patient volunteers, their families, and kidney community allies for exercising their influence through voter registration and engagement as self-identified Kidney Voters™ through AAKP’s I Am A Kidney Voter initiative (#KIDNEYVOTER and #IAmAKidneyVoter) in the 2020 election”

“In 2018, AAKP developed and launched the first non-partisan kidney community voter education, registration, and turnout drive that had ever been attempted. In 2019, AAKP launched The Decade of the Kidney™ upon the signing of the White House Executive Order onAdvancing American Kidney Health Initiative. This strategic effort organizes kidney patient consumers nationally and globally to further drive policies that prevent kidney injury and disease, and support greater patient care choice, innovation, and timely access to care and new treatment options. Based on the grassroots tactics and online technologies refined by AAKP in 2018 and 2019, the I Am A Kidney Voter initiative has expanded rapidly to include all sectors of the kidney community, including medical professionals such as nephrologists and transplant surgeons, researchers, and workers across the medical industry and policy-influencers. AAKP estimates that their expanded platforms will engage close to 500,000 Kidney Voters™ by the 2022 election cycle while expanding kidney patient consumer demand for full immunosuppressive drug coverage for transplanted kidneys, new diagnostics to detect kidney disease far in advance of current standards, new biologics and precision medicine to treat and slow kidney disease progression, as well as bioengineered and artificial wearable and implantable kidneys to ease transplant waiting times.”

Read the full press release by AAKP, here.
