From avoidance to experiment: How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted organ donation, transplant surgery


“Organ donation and transplantation surgery came to a screeching halt in March 2020 when doctors feared bringing severely-ill immunocompromised patients into a hospital that was packed over capacity with a highly transmissible airborne infectious disease.

If a patient wasn’t in an intensive care unit (ICU) bed at the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, they likely were not receiving a transplant at that time.”

Read more, here.


When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated: How to Protect Yourself and Others

  • If you are fully vaccinated you can start doing many things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic.
  • When choosing safer activities, consider how COVID-19 is spreading in your community, the number of people participating in the activity, and the location of the activity.
  • Outdoor visits and activities are safer than indoor activities, and fully vaccinated people can participate in some indoor events safely, without much risk.
  • If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, find a vaccine.

Find all recent updates from the CDC, here.


Preguntas Frecuentes Acerca del COVID-19


“La División de Trasplantes (DoT, siglas en inglés) de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA, siglas en inglés) está controlando el impacto de la emergencia de salud pública por coronavirus (COVID-19) sobre la procuración y el trasplante de órganos.

¿Debería inscribirme como donante de órganos durante el brote de COVID-19?

Si no es donante de órganos registrado, le sugerimos que se inscriba en línea a través de su registro estatal de donantes. Inscribirse significa que, algún día, podría salvar vidas.”

Mas informacion aqui.


CKD Pantry Staples: Be Prepared During the Pandemic


“Grocery shopping has become an increasing challenge during this pandemic.  When you have CKD, wondering what to buy when food supplies may be limited can be overwhelming.  Buying staples that fit your CKD needs while maintaining your budget can be challenging.  This tip sheet will help you with some ideas if you can’t get fresh or frozen items.”

Read the full blog post on KIDNEYCHEF and see the list of staple, here.


UNOS: COVID-19 Update


“On Oct. 28, two new diagnosis codes for lung candidates and two new diagnosis codes for heart candidates will be added to UNetSM. Additionally, there will be an update to an existing code available for heart candidates. The purpose of adding these options is to specify when COVID-19 related organ failure is the cause for lung and heart candidate listings.”

Read the full update by UNOS, here.
