Diversity in medicine necessary to meet needs of patients, provide ‘culturally effective care’

74970login-checkDiversity in medicine necessary to meet needs of patients, provide ‘culturally effective care’

By Isabella Hornick

HONOLULU — More women and underrepresented racial/ethnic groups have entered into medicine, but bias and discrimination still exist, which can lead to poorer care, according to a presentation at the CHEST Annual Meeting.

In her presentation, “Racial and Gender Bias in Health care Systems,” Brooke Gustafson, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics in the division of pulmonary medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, discussed underrepresentation in medicine over the years, challenges both women and individuals from underrepresented races/ethnicities face, as well as ways to reduce underrepresentation. Read the full article in Healio.

749700login-checkDiversity in medicine necessary to meet needs of patients, provide ‘culturally effective care’

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