Race-neutral testing could have given access to life-saving lung transplants for more black patients

69300login-checkRace-neutral testing could have given access to life-saving lung transplants for more black patients

Peer-Reviewed Publication

June 21, 2023 – NEW YORK, NY— Race-neutral lung function interpretation could increase access to lung transplants for Black patients with respiratory disease, according to new research published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society online ahead of print.

In “Race-Specific Interpretation of Spirometry: Impact on the Lung Allocation Score,” lead researcher J. Henry Brems, MD, MBE of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and colleagues investigated how race-specific versus race-neutral equations alter the lung allocation score (LAS) and the priority for lung transplant across races. The lung allocation score determines which patients get priority on the lung transplant listing.
Read the full article from the American Thoracic Society.

693010login-checkRace-neutral testing could have given access to life-saving lung transplants for more black patients

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